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Make your voice heard with the WSMA. Please follow the attached link to see what the WSMA accomplished and did for you this past year: online on wsma.org
It is with deep sadness that we announce that Dr. F. James Beckner passed away on 10.13.15. Dr. Beckner has been a member of WSMA since 1991. He served on the Board of Trustees from 2003-2011. Since 1994, Dr. Beckner has served as a County Delegate to the WSMA’s policy making body and the House of Delegates. Dr. Beckner served as the Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society President most recently from 2014-2015.
We are pleased to announce that a scholarship will be made available in the name of James Beckner, MD. Dr. Beckner has been actively involved with the Society for many years and has held various positions during his tenure.
In honor of Dr. Beckner, the Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society has created a scholarship in his name. In remembrance of Dr. Beckner, gifts may be made to the James Beckner, MD Medical Scholarship Fund in care of Skagit Community Foundation, Attn: James Beckner, MD Medical Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 1763, Mt. Vernon, WA 98273
All scholarships are awarded to residents of Skagit, Island or San Juan Counties who will graduate students in medicine (MD or DO).
The Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society is a medical organization comprised of approximately 200 allopathic and osteopathic physicians.
The mission of the Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society is to support its members in all aspects of the practice of medicine; to serve physicians and their patients by establishing and promoting ethical, educational and clinical standards for the medical profession and to advocate the highest ethical medical practice for the benefit of the community.
The Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society developed this website to provide information and resources to physicians and the public. From public health issues to practice support services, the SICMS website can keep you up-to-date with the Society’s activities. We hope you find the information useful. Please feel free to email us with any comments, questions or concerns: Skagit-IslandMedicalSociety@hotmail.com