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There has never been a better time or need to join with colleagues in representing physicians in Skagit and Island Counties and Washington State than by joining the Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society (SICMS) and the Washington State Medical Association (WSMA).
The SICMS and the WSMA offer a variety of benefits and services to our members. We have multiple events that encompass social, career, education and family perspectives. We also support physicians at the state legislature and the US Congress as well as educate the news media and general public on health care. In addition, we provide scholarships to qualified medical students who have a desire to serve our community in some capacity once they complete their education.
These are just a few of the many services we provide to our community.
To become a member in SICMS and WSMA, simply complete the membership application and return it to:
Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society
P.O. Box 2206
Anacortes, WA 98221
With your application, please provide a copy of your Washington State License. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the SICMS by emailing us at Skagit-IslandMedicalSociety@hotmail.com
Download Our Membership Application
The WSMA bills and collects dues on behalf of the SICMS. Physicians can make their membership selection on the application form whether they choose to join one or both of the organizations.