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We are pleased to announce that a scholarship will be made available in the name of F. James Beckner, MD. Dr. Beckner has been actively involved with the Society for many years and has held various positions during his tenure.
Donations are being graciously accepted for this scholarship – please make checks out to Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society and mail to: PO Box 2206, Anacortes, WA 98221
All scholarships are awarded to residents of Skagit, Island or San Juan Counties who will graduate students in medicine (MD or DO).
Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society annually accepts scholarship applications from residents of Skagit, Island or San Juan County who will be graduate students in medicine during the current school year.
Scholarship applications can be downloaded from this website, requested by email at Skagit-IslandMedicalSociety@hotmail.com, or requested by writing to Skagit-Island Counties Medical Society, P.O. Box 2206, Anacortes, WA 98221.
The application, a résumé, a short biographical sketch, a statement of career goals, and one letter of reference should be returned to the Scholarship Committee at the address above on or before September 15.
One additional question is considered when reviewing scholarship applications: Do you have aspirations of contributing to the Skagit-Island local community in some capacity upon completion of your education?